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Hijab Styles For Every Face Shape Feat. Hijabi Bloggers

hijab styles for face shapes

Learn how to style your hijab according to your face shape

There are so many different styles of hijab wraps that can be seen all over instagram, pinterest and facebook. Women everywhere are dominating these super chic looks and their hijabs are flawless. We take these ideas, try the style on ourselves and of course it looks nothing like what we were hoping for. So where did it go wrong? It sounds worse than it is, but it’s your face, face shape to be exact. Women have different face shapes that play a large role in how a hijab wrap will look. To find a flattering hijab style, first you need to know what type of face shape you were gifted with.  

When choosing the right hijab, you need to consider  the shape of your face. Hijab suits everyone, only you have to figure out how to wear it to suit you. Hijab  wasn’t prescribed to make you look ‘ugly’ but it is to make you modest.

There is no right or wrong on what style of hijab you use but it’s whatever makes you comfortable. Try experimenting on what hijab style that compliments your face shape to make you feel comfortable. But of course, don’t forget to match your hijab not only with your face shape but also with other outfits to have a glamorous look.

Meet Melanie, the founder of Haute Hijab, she’s perfectly explaining the different face shapes and the hijab styles that go with those face shapes inspired by your favorite hijab bloggers, she’s explaining the features of the face shape everyone may have and what would works for you with all the details you wants to know in order to get the perfect look!

Tag your friends to watch this video as it is really full of advices, enjoy!

Hijab Styles For Every Face Shape Feat. Hijabi Bloggers

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