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Trendy Winter Hijab Colors

by Nahla Naciri   ยท  5 years ago  

In order to stay stylish even at zero degrees, adapt your wardrobe to the trends of Autumn Winter, more precisely, the trendiest colors to adopt this season apart from the classics.

First you need to know which hijab color to choose according to your complexion. To wear color in winter, there are two options: For the first, we 100% like a color? Then we adopt a total look! Not even afraid. Without falling into ridicule or into the pot of paint, you wield the colors as you peel a potato. The second option is to associate the colors, pick the hijab color of your choice and try to associate the color to important piece of your look, the coat or the boots..

Good news, black is out of date. This year, the colors are rebelling. Forget about the grey sky by adopting a bright palette. The more cautious will also find their happiness. There are colors of all tastes.

Below is a short tour of Autumn Winter trendiest colors by your favorite bloggers.

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